Assessing China’s Recent Efforts to Protect Its Environment via the Indian Lens

Courtesy:Young Minds of C3S Medium page

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Ms Raakhee Suryaprakash is a Chennai-based analyst and Associate Member, C3S compares the Indian and Chinese efforts towards enviromental proetction through her article 

As attention focused on the Modi-Xi summit at Wuhan (in between applauding and marveling at the coming together of Korean leaders, of course!) it is easy to lose track of environmental concerns. Geopolitics, strategy and economics ‘Trump’ environment (couldn’t resist that pun!). But both India and China are living with hazardous pollution levels — this despite improvement in air-quality in certain Chinese cities. In spite of taking pole positions on the Paris Climate Agreement, policies and practices of both Prime Minister Modi and Chinese President Xi still back thermal power stations...Click here to read the full article


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